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2004-11-24 - 1:13 p.m.

If things weren't bad enough.

Last night, I decided to get out of the house to do laundry. I left the door unlocked, since it is right around the corner.

In the interim -- someone managed to break into our apartment, and steal $380.00 from Nelson's wallet.

The money I was going to use to buy groceries.

Nelson had to withdraw money from his mother's joint account to cover expenses. We couldn't get a hold of his mother to ask, since she lives in the Greenford, England -- and for some reason there is a block on the calls out of the country.

We hope to pay it back before she gets here on her next visit, but I hope to hell she calls in the meantime. I want to talk to her directly.


This is one Thanksgiving that I never want to remember. Ever.


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